Private Investigators


Auto Back vehicle and asset recovery program

Auto Back vehicle and asset recovery program

A dealership’s secret recovery weapon! A leasing/financial institution’s solution to missing assets. If a vehicle is outstanding, or a lessee missing, we are your answer.

Lease payments in arrears? … Lessee cannot be found? … Insurance lapsed? … Vehicle missing? We are your solution!

  • Excellent rates
  • Proven track record
  • Guarantee
  • Earn money with our referral plan

The AUTO-BACK recovery program was created to fulfill the void between bailiffs and police. On one side, bailiffs quite often have difficulty locating certain vehicles/lessees and on the other side, the police cannot get involved, due to it being a ‘civil matter’. Private Investigator GTA, Auto Fraud Investigative Services Canada AUTO-BACK has the time, manpower, and the means to maintain incredible recovery rates. This includes locating all types of vehicles whether it be trucks, cars, motorcycles, boats, etc, or simply locating and persuading the lessee to bring their overdue account up to date. We can even assist as a liaison between you and the authorities in order to have the vehicle listed as stolen, so that an insurance claim can be initiated. Every year dealerships, leasing/finance and rental companies lose millions of dollars when their vehicles go missing. There are many costs and other financial repercussions above and beyond the loss of the asset. Consider these:

  • Depreciation
  • Rising insurance premiums
  • Loss of monthly lease/financing income
  • Vehicle could be involved in a serious or fatal accident
  • Liability when vehicle operating without insurance coverage
  • Lost manpower/wages/time attempting to relocate the vehicle/lessee
  • …and the longer the vehicle is outstanding, the less chance it will be found

Our AUTO-BACK recovery team is headed up by Christopher Dennison, consists of and/or has contacts with:

  • Former Auto-Theft Police Officers
  • Certified Fraud Examiners
  • Members of the International Association of Auto Theft Investigators
  • All members are licensed Private Investigators

Our staff has the ability to conduct all necessary information searches on vehicles, lessees, properties, criminal charges, etc. IT’S YOUR MONEY. LET AUTO-BACK BRING IT BACK

AUTO-BACK testimonials

AUTO-BACK guarantee

AUTO-BACK referral program Private Investigator GTA CanadaIAATI Auto Theft certificate 2014 - 2 IAATI Auto Theft certificate 2014 - 1

Contact us for a free consultation.


Private Investigators