Private Investigators

Process Serving

Canadian process service.  Process Serving is providing legal notice to a party (defendant) requiring them to respond to a proceeding to be held before a court.  Notice is generally provided by providing the party in question with court documents such as Summonses, Statements of Claim, Plaintiff’s Claims, etc.  In process service, certain documents must be served personally, others may be served upon a individual of legal age at the intended party’s residence or place of employment.

The process services that we offer as a company include:

  • Service of Process:  We serve your Summonses, Complaints, Writs, Subpoenas, and other documents.
  • Issuing and Filing at the Court:  We will attend courthouses on your behalf to initiate new actions and/or add documents to existing files.
  • Litigation Searches:  We will attend courthouses and search court records for requested documents.


Please contact us for a free consultation.


Private Investigators