Private Investigators

Private Investigators Using Long Range Two-Way Radios For Team Surveillance

Private investigators may carry out their work either remotely, or in person, since generally surveillance can be put in categories of physical and electronic surveillance. In Canada, physical surveillance involves the physical observation of a person whether mobile or stationary. Given the risks of detection in remaining in close proximity of subjects under surveillance, it may become necessary for private investigators to be equipped with proper equipment and even conduct surveillance on their subjects in teams of two or more investigators. No matter how discreet a person may appear, hovering over a particular area for too long may draw unnecessary suspicion. Therefore, having one or more partners is regarded as a necessary technique in private investigations.

Standard equipment for a team of private investigators amongst other things includes; two-way radios. This piece of equipment is very essential for investigators working in teams of two or more. It provides the investigators with a medium to interact with each other over a stretch of a distance. Long range two-way radios can allow for communication up to many kilometers’ radius maximum.

The two-way radios work on FRS/GMRS (Family Radio Service/ General Mobile Radio Service) frequencies. Using two-way radios in Canada does not require any specific license. Since the introduction and launch of the FRS/GMRS in 2001 and 2004 respectively, families, commercial establishments, government agencies, security firms, private investigators and many other establishments have been using the GMRS radios. In Canada, its use spread across different areas. It is used in customer services, traffic control, event-coordination, and even surveillance jobs.

The long-range two-way radio transmits and at the same time receive signal. It provides a person-to-person to person voice communication interface for persons tuned into the same frequency.  Private investigators who may be involved in following more than one subject or in a situation where they are required to survey multiple locations within a not so wide radius could simply equip themselves with long-range two-way radios and tune into the same channel to communicate with one another. For example, where an investigator during surveillance is prompted to follow the subject under surveillance or any other party into a restricted place or environment, a member of his team could remain out in a vehicle to warn him of any impending dangers using the two-way radio to avoid raising unnecessary suspicion.

Private Investigators