Private Investigators

Catching a Fraud

Catch that Fraud

Generally speaking, we never fail to amaze ourselves. The human is capable of developing such adept detecting skills that it’s a joy to be a conscious human being. For example, the farthest light we can see with our naked eye (or with glasses, for people with short sight) is that from the Andromeda Galaxy, and that too appears as a faint smudge 2.5 million light years away. This is only a small drop in the bathtub of what the human body can really detect. They can detect body language of other human beings and expose them for the frauds they are. How does suspicion arise within the human mind when a potential fraud is detected? Read on.

Every day, we will come across people who differ in their character by a slight margin. There will be anxious people waiting for results of admission tests into good schools, people jumping for joy getting an interview that they thought they never could, and people overcome with remorse over the parting of loved ones. Nevertheless, there will be certain people in your office environment who will come off as suspiciously acting throughout the day. How do you detect such things?

  1. Strange behavior: Increased irritability, defensive-mindedness, alcohol or smoking and suspiciousness will lead you to believe that something is up with this person. Sadly, when you come to confront this guy with what’s bothering him, the only reply you are likely to get is to mind your own business. The tone (rude or niceness) would be up to that person, really.
  2. Increased contact with people: We think that frauds tend to avoid others. That is a possibility, but it is a wrong idea. Frauds tend to become more friendly, open and try to clear the air with people around to them to deflect any suspicion that might come over them.
  3. Avoiding eye-contact frequently: If the fraud does this often, you’ve got a serious suspect over here. Enquire him further to find out whether he continues to look scarcely at you. If he avoids looking directly into your eyes for too long, you have strong reason to believe that this person is hiding something deep from you.
  4. Scratching or rubbing his head a lot: This will occur when he goes through a few motions in his mind. Those motions are of guilt. He will most likely have been thinking of the time he committed those fraudulent activities, and how his soul wishes he could take them back. If he does this often while talking to people, he’s definitely hiding something.

Take a while to look back at this person. How long have you known him? Where does he live? What does he do in his private time? Is he an amicable person that goes along with everybody? Is he around the office premise a lot? Or does he take frequent breaks? If he does, you’re probably looking at someone who makes frequent phone calls outside the office to people he could confess his guilt too, or people he could trust his activities with. Whichever way you look at it, catching a fraud is complex job that requires proper investigation into the person’s life before you make a move. Think wisely before you act.

Written by:  Wasim

Private Investigators