
Are they having an affair?  (If you think so, click here)


Private Investigator Ontario Canada, Canadian Special Investigations








Top 100+ Signs of a Cheating Spouse (in no particular order)

  • Start using different vocabulary and manner of speech
  • Take off their wedding ring, or forget to wear the ring
  • Has a new interest in friends you have never heard of or met
  • Begins blaming you for things that have gone wrong in the relationship
  • Decides to do their own laundry
  • Start to receive secretive late night phone calls or texts
  • Has a new attitude toward you, friends, coworkers, or the secretary
  • Drinks alcohol or comes home with the smell on their breath (doesn’t usually drink alone)
  • You find a condom in their clothing or in their car
  • They say they need time alone
  • Accuse you of snooping through their things
  • Has trouble remembering things they said before
  • Wants to open a separate bank account
  • Begins working long nights and weekends
  • Gets coded text messages
  • Doesn’t want to sign a long term rental lease
  • Doesn’t want you to touch them anymore
  • Listening to music that’s degrading to the opposite sex
  • Takes up a new hobby or activities that keep them away
  • Wants to leave the house to walk the dog more often
  • Always arrives late
  • Spends a lot of time with someone who is going through a divorce
  • Is in front of the mirror more often
  • Is calling you by new pet names you have never heard before
  • Shuts off the computer or quickly clicks off a page when you enter the room
  • Takes a shower as soon as they get home
  • Opens a separate bank account and doesn’t tell you
  • Unexplained ATM withdrawals
  • Is suddenly possessive of wallet, briefcase, phone or computer
  • Wants to hang out with friends they haven’t talked about in years
  • Has new interests they frequently talk about
  • Needs to attend out of town conventions or seminars
  • Begins listening to new type of music and knowing about the artists
  • Wants to send you off to relatives house alone
  • Gives you a pat on the back instead of hugging or kissing
  • Wants to know if you really love them
  • Doesn’t want to go to church or be around friends of strong moral standing
  • Is worried much more about appearance
  • Wants the car emptied of all kids toys or car seats
  • Comes home wearing clothing that you have never seen before
  • Keeps toothbrush, and mouthwash on them or in their car
  • Has a sudden drastic change in attitude
  • Is acting overly jealous of you
  • Buys a lot of brand new clothing
  • Says a different name in their sleep
  • Begins reading sex magazines and/or books
  • Changes position on politics or abortion or something they stood for
  • Orders things for the house they never did before
  • Erases text message or caller I.D
  • Picks a fight with you so they can have an excuse to leave
  • Your sex life deteriorates or becomes nonexistent
  • Talks about someone they work with more
  • Stops complimenting you or even noticing things about you
  • Seem much more distracted
  • Distances themselves from the children
  • Increase in phone hang-ups
  • Buys you a gift for no reason (may be out of guilt)
  • Starts cursing more often
  • Has a sudden bad attitude toward God or religion
  • Doesn’t want you coming into their workplace
  • Defends other cheaters
  • Talks more often with friends of the opposite sex than usual
  • Gets a new hairstyle or grooming habits
  • Talks about movies you haven’t seen together
  • Leaves for work earlier or arrives home later
  • Complains about the past more
  • Doesn’t go where they said they were going
  • Talks more often about disappointments
  • Behaves erratically
  • Changes underwear frequently
  • People you know start asking you how the relationship is going
  • Wants to workout at the gym frequently when they never did before
  • Changes computer login passwords
  • Accuses you of infidelity
  • Begins drinking more socially
  • Doesn’t say they love you as often
  • Has a distorted view of honesty
  • Quits smoking abruptly or starts smoking
  • Big changes in sex habits
  • Spends more time in front of the computer
  • Talks down to you in public or criticizes the way you look
  • Critical of you in any way they weren’t before
  • Doesn’t want to go on romantic dates with you
  • Wants privacy in the bathroom
  • Wants more alone time
  • Is suddenly private about cell phone
  • Stays out late with odd excuses (** A big warning sign)
  • Doesn’t want to spend time with relatives
  • Stops helping pick up around the house
  • Pays bills late
  • Is evasive about details
  • Keeps a change of clothing in their car
  • Suggests you go do activities without them
  • Goes to social events without you
  • Locks the bathroom or bedroom door
  • No longer kisses you during sex
  • Has separate email accounts hidden from you
  • Looks nervous when their phone rings
  • Only remembers negative aspects of your relationship
  • Starts dining out at restaurants you have never been to
  • Turns phone off or doesn’t answer when they are away from home
  • Chatting with the opposite sex on Facebook
  • Looking in the personal sections of websites
  • Getting phone messages, texts or emails from old girlfriends or boyfriends
  • Find hair in your bed or in their car
  • Smell perfume/cologne on bed sheets or their clothing