Canadian Special Investigations is a Canadian agency with decades of experience. The company’s mission statement emphasizes its commitment to total confidentiality. It is further promoted by a dedication to the non-disclosure of information and the subsequent security of its retention. They also work to help keep people safe when they are on-line. The web has […]
Elder Abuse and Estate Fraud – How can a Private Investigator Help?
Elder abuse can be of many types and can include threats to the elderly, neglecting them, fraud and tricking them financially. Physical elderly abuse involves hitting, use of drugs, as well as confinement which may result in injury, pain and impairment. Another kind of elder abuse is emotional or psychological abuse which means treating elders […]
Private Investigation and Psychology
In their work, private investigators apply various psychological methods in order to acquire sufficient information about their subjects of investigation. Psychology involves the study of a person’s mental functions, and how it influences their behavior. A private investigator with psychological knowledge has an upper hand because they are able to study and understand the behavior […]